Saturday, March 1, 2014

DayZ "Instant Death, Hacks Maybe?" - Episode 5

DayZ "Instant Death, Hacks Maybe" - Episode 5
Episode 4:
Episode 6: TBA
OK so I call hacks here. If you're impatient and want to look at my most stupidest death ever click here: 11:13. Actual death happens at 11:45 . There were no sound indicating a gun fire, there were no bullet impact, ricochet sfx, and no one else seen or heard anything around them. BOTH bandits were IN the building. One of which I spotted on the roof so there were no other friends that he had around us.

The player in the roof simply looked in the direction I was and BOOM instant death. That is WAYYY to suspicious. The other possibility is that the ladder is glitched but I don't think that's the case. I climbed over 1000 ladders and none of them instant-killed me.

What do you think it was? Lag? hacks? I would like to know
Questions or requests? Contact me here or at:
Steam: masterrambo65
Origin: -IAM-MasterRambo
google plus:
Skype: iam_master_rambo

1 comment:

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